the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Updated all my 43things goals. I guess I did okay this year, but I wish I’d gotten more goals ticked off. Ah well, something for 2009. #
  • @chowbok That was appalling. I hate how stories of people dying from medical malpractice while incarcerated are becoming so commonplace. #
  • The angry fist of SMASHplace politics rears its ugly head again. #
  • @chowbok Why do you think it’s so angry? #
  • Snow, snow, go away, all your fun has gone to stay. Or at least come back on a day that isn’t Tuesday! #
  • I could not do this job: #

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i need a couple weeks off

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ack ack ack have been running around like a headless chicken for the past little while. if i’m at home i’m doing tedious bullshit like prep work for taxes or trying to research schools or money for school, and if i’m not at home, i’m … not at home, am i?!?

i actually did manage to get some relaxing done this weekend; i sacked out for a couple hours in front of netflix-on-the-tivo and worked on my ugly afghan, finishing the last four squares and laying it out figuring out if i could achieve a reasonably non-ugly arrangement:

Afghan squares

of course i blew off doing homework and laundry in order to have that little time to relax, so that bit was not so good, but otherwise i’m okay with it. the laundry has not gone anywhere. it will wait for me. …and if it doesn’t, if it achieves self-awareness and stalks off, it was probably morally wrong of me to selfishly use it for my own purposes, wasn’t it?

i owe a couple folks emails — will write back soon, promise!

but now… off to get ready for work. i need a couple weeks off from that too!

  • Shoe throwing is /not/ a gesture of goodwill for weirdo foreigners! For reals! #
  • Argh. Forecast calls for more heavy snow tomorrow — screwing with my ice skating class two weeks running! Hopefully NWS is full of lies. #

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  • Oh, feets /so/ do not like the 4″ heels. Feets disagree strongly with niqui on necessity of same. Feets hurt so much right now! #

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  • Finally have a little money so I arranged to have some posters custom framed that I’ve been putting off for years. Not inexpensive. Meep. #
  • O_O O_O #
  • @writchrd @smokes70 If I do, need advice for a first-time zombie! The ice skates I have, but everything else…? #

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