the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @mizmoose Delivery? #
  • Made it to P-Town. Cat made it all the way to Bloomington before barfing… And he aimed for the rubber floormat, good kitty. #
  • OMG. Vista constantly popping up “Did you really click…?” windows for the stupidest things. WHINIEST, MOST CODEPENDENT OS EVER. #
  • Ugh. I now regret giving my grandmother a computer with such an awful, awful train wreck of an operating system. I long for XP. #
  • Wishing i had something profound to say. Stupidly left knitting in car; consequently, BOOORED. #

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  • One of my KnitPicks Options circular needles died today!! The cord pulled out of the screwy bit. I am shocked and dismayed. #
  • @chowbok I love cat snores! They’re the best. Better even than chasing yarn balls in their sleep. #
  • Tiger gets to go back to P-Town for the first time in…12 years?? Bet he still loves the roadtripping! #
  • And Citi attempts to screw me twice in the same calendar month. So long, guys. Your poor money management skills are /not/ my problem. #
  • Bottle of catnip spray worth its price just for the first time Kiyoshi rolls ecstatically right off the side of the ‘nip-doused footstool. #

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  • Every so often, my smoke detector chirps a couple times a few seconds apart, then goes silent for hours. Dying battery, or random taunting? #
  • Someone is shooting off a ton of fireworks in the south loop, obscured by the hateful new high-rise kitty corner from mine. Can’t see! Boo! #
  • Argh. Xmas plans all up in the air now. Stress stress stress. Also, MOAR SNOW-SLEET-SLUSH-ICE? DO NOT WANT #
  • Having a slapfight with @smokes70 over Fourth vs Fifth Doctor. But only because HE IS CLEARLY WRONG. #
  • @mizmoose Hey, who knew, you are also COMPLETELY WRONG. #
  • @mizmoose Well, yes, Nine is full of win. That is an acceptable compromise. #
  • Throwing up my hands in the air as once more an unannounced network outage screws over the work I was trying to get done. #

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  • OMG. I actually came home from Hammond *up*. By, like, a lot. I mean, not a /lot/ a lot, but, like, almost twice what I put in. #
  • @mizmoose You didn’t have to tell me that! I had no idea we were in for more of this stuff… blah. #
  • Forgot my laptop today, hence am stuck in Windows hell all day. On the bright side, Chrome actually is kind of cool. #
  • @robotviki Was it Vonderbob in disguise? #
  • So much hate for today, and the position I’m stuck in. #

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a question of dire import:

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so which is weirder: that i have lived in chicago all this time without ever trying lou malnati’s pizza, or that when i finally did (because one moved in round the corner from my apartment and the smell of hot hot pizza has been making me crazy every time i walk home in the cold cold cold), i discovered i didn’t like it all that much?
