- Every so often, my smoke detector chirps a couple times a few seconds apart, then goes silent for hours. Dying battery, or random taunting? #
- Someone is shooting off a ton of fireworks in the south loop, obscured by the hateful new high-rise kitty corner from mine. Can’t see! Boo! #
- Argh. Xmas plans all up in the air now. Stress stress stress. Also, MOAR SNOW-SLEET-SLUSH-ICE? DO NOT WANT #
- Having a slapfight with @smokes70 over Fourth vs Fifth Doctor. But only because HE IS CLEARLY WRONG. #
- @mizmoose Hey, who knew, you are also COMPLETELY WRONG. #
- @mizmoose Well, yes, Nine is full of win. That is an acceptable compromise. #
- Throwing up my hands in the air as once more an unannounced network outage screws over the work I was trying to get done. #
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