the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • /me shakes her tiny pedantic fist in rage at people who make up pseudo-Latin pluralisations because they think ‘ii’ looks cool. #
  • @shadow U! #
  • Bad joke time. Homeless man to me yesterday: “Did you hear what Obama said today?” Me: “No, what’d he say?” Homeless man: “CHANGE!” #
  • @mizmoose What, did you find someone wanting resumes to be mailed — or, heaven forbid, FAXED?? #

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i don’t think death cab for cutie have it right at all. that is not the sound of settling. the sound of settling is more like a resigned sigh, a shrug, or a muttered “fuck it.”


  • My mouse is acting weird and often double-clicks when it shouldn’t, which is frankly beginning to drive me batshit crazy. Arrrgh! #
  • @sanityknit Sudafed + Afrin = sweet sweet relief from cloggyheadedness. Good luck feeling better by classtime… #
  • First class of this semester starts tonight: math. No textbook yet, will have to hit the library for it. Simultaneously excited & dreading. #
  • Oooo! It Crowd s3 – – WANT #
  • @smokes70 ahahahahahaha! nice! #
  • #

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  • @robotviki If anyone comes up with an answer, make sure you retweet it! #
  • Why are textbooks so high-priced? BECAUSE THE AUTHORS ARE WHINY BITCHES. Oh noes, used books r ebill!!!!1!!1! #
  • Also, Mr. Intro Psych Author Whiny Bitch, it’s called the free market; maybe your colleagues down the hall in Econ can tell you about it. #
  • Furthermore, I don’t need your treatise, no matter how hard you tried, to guide my life, so quit the “personal library” bullshit pity party. #
  • Helicopter has been hovering over circle interchange for like 20 minutes now. Wondering what’s going on. Trib, S-T sites have nothing. #
  • And no sooner tweeted last than helicopter circled and landed somewhere Congress/Wellsish – obscured behind bldgs, dunno. A mystery! #
  • @sanityknit The importance of qualitative research in education? As opposed to what, quantitative? How about: Verifiable > Wikipedia. #
  • @sanityknit Sorry, I was off on a tear about the prices for my books this year, and that article made me cranky and embittered. :) #
  • @suchagirl Thanks! I wound up doing Amazon but I’ll keep that site bookmarked for next semester. :) #
  • @sanityknit You say no social life together, but I might have to miss the gathering due to bio class, if prof won’t let me skip :( Dunno yet #
  • Dammit. I always accidentally click the Ignore button when people ask to friend me on, then I feel like a jerk. #
  • @smokes70 Oh, crap… the time is about right. I bet that was what it was. :( That poor guy. #

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