for a very long time i’ve specifically avoided the atkins diet. i am really, really skeptical of atkins.

  1. i’m not vegetarian (although i do like tofu and sometimes make things with tvp or use meat-replacement products for variety), i eat meat … but, goddamn, that’s a lot of meat. i mean, seriously.
  2. i don’t see how it can possibly be healthy and sustainable to eliminate half of the food pyramid. i mean, sugar, white flour, okay, but … all of it? what did brown rice or sweet corn ever do to you?!
  3. i really like fruit. like, i eat apples all the time. apples are my friends. without my friends, i’m lonely and sad!
  4. i don’t believe that carbohydrates are inherently evil. and the low-carb craze drives me batshit. low-carb beer is just WRONG!

nonetheless, i’ve decided — many long years after first hearing about it, when my doctor recommended it to me in ’98 — to give it a try.

why? well, that’s simple enough: nothing else works well either. so i have nothing to lose anymore … well, except the funding that will go toward the massive grocery bills that accompany eating this much meat and cheese. that’s one good thing you can definitely say about carbs: they’re cheap. no one ever sold steaks in a jewel 10ยข sale next to the ramen noodles.

so here’s the deal. i committed to doing atkins for a month to see what happens. if it doesn’t work, fine, i’ll go back to what i was doing before and be happy because i can have beer again. if it does work, fine, i’ll decide whether to continue or not at the end of september… maybe it’ll work fine but i’ll hate it, so i’ll stop; maybe it’ll turn out that secretly i’m channelling piratedan and eating plate after plate of animal protein is exactly what i always wanted to do. who knows.

sw: 218
cw: 199.5
gw: 150

cross your fingers and wish me the fortitude to eat this frigging much meat.