so i’ve been scouring and craigslist for a little bookshelf, something to put my printer and reference books on. nothing very special, really — in fact, i really really regret having given away all three of my folding wooden bookshelves in my spring pre-move giveawayathon, because one of those would be perfect for me. (which was why i had them in the first place! sigh!) anyways, i’m not looking for anything special, just something sturdy and with a flat top to put my printer on, mostly. you’d think *someone* would be getting rid of one, somewhere. i’m not even really hoping for free, although that would be nice . . . someone, somewhere must have a little shelf that doesn’t work for their decor that they want to get rid of for $15 and i’ll pick it up?

i don’t want to buy a new one, because the only new ones that i like are expensive, and i can’t afford expensive, so i don’t want to pay new prices for something decent that i’m not actually going to like.

somewhere, someone else must be waiting for the right moment to post their bookshelf they’re getting rid of, in a style i’d like . . . right?

meanwhile, i’m going to give away bill’s old coffee table that he gave to me, to a new grad student who just moved to hyde park with “only what would fit in a honda civic.” so i am definitely doing my part to keep the free furniture flowing.

sigh. damn, i really should have kept one of those shelves!