am very sad. apparently quantum leap must have been a mid-season replacement or something, because its first season only has eight episodes. having watched six of them now, i’m sad that i’m almost done with the season one boxed set and season two won’t be out until almost christmas.

so, watched three episodes of QL tonight, and also Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!” i always cry like a big baby at the end, even though i know full well how it comes out. it’s still sad, though.

advil helped with the tooth-related owie, though tomorrow i have to go grocery shopping and oh baby, you better believe i’m stocking up on ambesol. oh yeah. tooth pain is not my friend. medicine that numbs my entire mouth because i can never actually manage to apply it only to the afflicted area is, however.

anyways. for some reason, i find a lot of eighties television to be more charming than current television. like, it’s less glossy, the acting or writing (or both) can be terribly silly, and the effects (in the case of TNG or QL) are crap, but i just seem to like the shows better. i don’t think it’s entirely misplaced nostalgia, either. and it’s not that i necessarily prefer something with a guaranteed happy ending in 46 minutes (back in the day, before they really got nasty about cutting for commercial time!) — of the modern stuff that i do like, i watch shows that kill or hurt characters (ER) or that just plain mess you up all the time (Six Feet Under), and i just can’t stand reality programming. (look, if i wanted reality, i wouldn’t be watching the magic talking box, okay?) i dunno. but i’m really pleased that they’re releasing all kinds of good old stuff on DVD, and wish i had more money to spend on buying them all.

in the meantime, however, there’s always netflix. … well, as soon as i finish watching all of US Queer as Folk that’s in my queue. can i just take this opportunity to say that renting one disc at a time via netflix is a bitch when it comes to shows with cliffhangers? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh. i was ready to kill someone after disc one of season one of QAF.