i will admit that my major reasons for supporting the boston red sox can be summed up pretty much as follows:

  • they are the underdogs, and niqui always supports the underdogs (unless they are a team niqui explicitly dislikes — none of which i can think of at the moment (underdog + dislike, that is), but, i’m just sayin’).
  • it will make way more people happy if the red sox win than if one of the “good” teams (the yankees, the cardinals) win.

so, i am rooting for the bosox.

oh, man, tonight’s game was cool. the cardinals rallied, but then the bosox rallied more. it was a thing of beauty.

is it weird to say that i hate the city of boston, but i like the red sox? i mean, if they keep playing like this, i could totally turn into a red sox fan. i mean, they won’t be my guys, ‘cos the white sox are my guys, but i could turn into a red sox fan, just ‘cos the guys are so goddamned plucky.

go bosox!