decided the other day to attempt — again — to move from my antique firebird browser over to firefox, the latest and greatest. since it’s actually the same project, just renamed, you’d think that this would be easy and painless. you’d be wrong, at least if you were me.

two painful days later, i’m back. fuck it. that piece of shit is the buggiest damn thing i’ve ever exterted far too much effort on trying to DTRT. half of the firebird extensions i depend on don’t work for it and — if they even have something i can substitute at all — the substitutes don’t encompass the full functionality i depend on. it exhibited waaaay too much outright buggy behavior — such as new windows that wouldn’t allow me to type in them at all, and even after focusing on the new window, anything i typed would go into the old window — and too much annoying behavior — like when i was typing in a text box, i would hit the apostrophe key and it would pop up a Find dialogue at the bottom of the page and move my focus there and BEEP A LOT at me because, hey, i was *typing* there. even after i moved all of my mozilla and firebird preferences and registry and other crap out of the way, and downloaded the firefox version dated 5 november and reinstalled, and then declined to import any settings from other browsers, it still acted like that.

so i give up. back to firebird. firefox can have me when their fucking browser actually works. i’ll just cope with firebird crashing intermittantly. at least *it* can fucking save my tab sessions.