another wednesday night wherein i had work to do, and elected to do it by working on the laptop at kasey’s.

today i actually managed to exhaust both laptop batteries, and damned near the cell phone battery as well. about five hours online at the bar, working, in toto.

i hail this as a triumph of battery technology.

it wasn’t like, you know, i was sitting there chewing my nails waiting for my puremessage test jobs to exit. honest. promise. sweartagod!

okay, the bartenders kept buying me drinks too.

i forkbombed poor little pretty — the xserve g4; oh, honestly, they let *me* name it: what did you think it was going to end up named? they’re just lucky i already took “shiny” for my laptop — repeatedly, and now i just have to sit and wait for it to tell me its uptime. poor abused little pretty. if it helps, i think everyone should buy at least one of you, if not a dozen.