i’m torn on whether i like or loathe my space age ice pack. sure, it’s nice to only have to change the ice every 6 hours or so, especially since i’m supposed to (and have been) wear it for 72 hours after surgery, but it’s a beast to lug around. and it’s really pooly designed, from my point of view as an independent person living alone (and therefore dealing with this all by myself).

first and most ijmportantly, it’s impossible to connect it one-handedly due to the placement of the connector right behind mt right elbow. and as it’s wrapped right into my splint, that bit is non-negotiable. so i’ve been hooked up to it constantly since wednesday night, which wouldn’t be so bad except that i’d like to change shirts sometime this century. … i’m supposed to be able to take off the dressings saturday afternoon and shower, HALLELUJAH. i feel particularly gross. i mean, isn’t it bad enough that i have a broken wrist and things that were formerly quite doable — like opening a jar of peanut butter — aren’t; now i have to wear the same shirt for three days running too??

actually, i suppose that’s my only real complaint about thr space age ice pack. i just freaking wanna change clothes without requiring someone to assist, like i’ve been doing for the past 24 years. sigh.

in other news, the pain is getting somewhat better. FINALLY. i actually slept about 20 minutes past ‘time to take more meds’ not once but twice today, which i’m viewing as a major accomplishment. i haven’t felt completely pain-wracked and helpless since late last night, so hopefully that resident was right and the worst is over.

got a really lovely floral arrangement from folks at work today, which was kinda nice. although i intend to give max shit … when choosing flowers to send to someone without the use of both hands, pick an arrangement that comes with its own vase… 8) climbing up to my top shelf where i keep my vases was not really something i had in mind for today. ah well. they are really pretty flowers. not my favorites (those would be gerbera daisies, in case anyone is wondering) but pretty lilies and roses. and colorful, which makes me happy.

my sleep schedule is going to be completely fucked up by the time i’m better. i’ve been, basically, just drifting off when the spirit (or the drugs) moves me. but on the bright side, i think i quit smoking. too big a pita and i just don’t want it that bad.

ok, tired now.