it’s saturday night, friends and neighbors, and while normally that means time to get the hell out of the house and go boogie or something, today it means something way, way more fun:
: [something about does niqui calling sushi dinner ‘state sponsored’ mean niqui is getting a fat check from the government for her woes] you know, i’ve actually done a little thinking about litigation. not so much in the “i want to sue” column, but in the “i hope work doesn’t want me to sue atlanta” or whatever. and also in the i want to write a letter to atlanta’s streets and san people and tell them “funny, almost the entire time i was in atlanta i was all about ‘you know, those ungrated storm drains look really dangerous and you ought to put something over them or someone could fall into one,’ and then *i* fell into one! so you should fucking fix them, jerks!” but i don’t think i would be wise to do something like that (that could, by the properly paranoid, be construed as some sort of threat to litigate) without the advice of a lawyer — don’t poke the sleeping lion and all that — but shit, i just wanna say “i (mentally) told you so, pigfuckers, and maybe the next person to be a klutz in atlanta won’t be so philosophically opposed to extortant lawsuits for shit that you know the jury would award them some ridiculous sum for.”
i really, really want to “i told you so” them. even if i only told them so in my head.
i also really want to see an mri of my wrist now, with the plate and screw. and also i want to find out if i set off airport security. but first? A SHOWER.