just ran through quicken doing my 2005 budget based on 2004 expenses, which brought unwelcome reminder of expected results, mostly. there won’t be any fun trips overseas for niqui this year, budget or not. alas. according to its estimates, february is the only month it projects me in the black. woe.

yeah, yeah, i budget $100/month for each of movies and music, and other stuff like that, but … i’d rather cut back on groceries than on records.

i should probably bug mom again (again, again, and again), but i wish i didn’t have to. because i wish i didn’t need her to contribute to the mortgage, but more importantly because i really hate asking. i wish she would just deal with it, or would have dealt with it the past times i’ve asked. it’s frustrating to feel this sort of guilt over a deal she can’t remember to deal with.

bah. less eating out, more eating in. and fewer records. bah.