so i’ve been sitting here in my chair at my desk, and my right shoulder’s been all bugged by my bra strap. i can’t seem to get it untwisted, and it’s scratchy and annoying. so, i give up, and retreat to the ladies’ to try and fix whatever its problem is.

well, the problem is that when it was sewn together, they sewed a full twist into the right strap!

AAAAAAAHHHHHH. i want to go home and change! this thing is killing me!

in other news, my iPod is wonky but not totally dead (yay!), my tivo has stopped outputting any sound whatsoever (boo), and my printer/scanner got rained on the other day (boo) but still seems to work (yay).

my house is a fucking disaster area. i’m actively searching out the paperwork to file for federal relief.

i need to post pictures of my awesome new patchwork windows though.

HOLY SHIT THIS BRA STRAP IS MAKING ME CRAZY! it’s like a scratchy wool sweater, duct taped to my shoulder blade.

michael helpfully suggested i go commando, when i explained why i was twitchy and bouncing around like a hyperactive three year-old. i appreciated the attempt to help, but was skeptical nonetheless.