i cannot get enough of listening to (previously-pimped) american edit. now pulled off the web due to pigfuckers angsty record companies, and fomenting a revolt, i still really like listening to it. i wish i could take part in the dean gray tuesday re-hosting, but id don’t want to take advantage of my kindly web host‘s generosity. also it’s tough to ask for a lot of bandwidth when you have no idea how much might be required. but i continue to think about alternatives. in the meantime, if you would like a listen, get in touch and i’ll ship you a zipfile. take that, warner!

(for what it’s worth, i can’t see how this mashup album could deter from legitimate sales; just listening to certain samples makes me want to listen to oasis, aerosmith, and — god help me — susannah hoffs. well, okay; i admit i won’t be purchasing those albums. i already own them all. well, not ms. hoffs, but i’m pretty sure i have “manic monday” on a soundtrack somewhere.)

speaking of new toys on the mashup front, santastic: holiday boots 4 your stockings. i haven’t downloaded it all yet; i think the site is being boingboinged out of all its tasty bandwidth — but i have high hopes: GHP (a personal favorite) are featured, and one song involves “Mercedes Benz,” so i simply cannot see how one could go wrong.