i have been sleeping relatively well (key word: relatively), but i keep waking up from strange dreams wherein i am trying to fly out of the country for vacation, but i always forget my passport. the one where i drove to o’hare in the company of several others and the route to the airport took me over a radically changed mccluggage bridge over the illinois river (it had a whole lot more lanes, and apparently a customs checkpoint) was particularly odd. if i actually had a vacation scheduled i might not find this terribly out of place to dream about, but the only “vacation” i’ve got on the horizon is the week in late april i’m planning to take off so that i can move into my as-yet-unfound new apartment. so, really, i feel that my subconscious is just being a little bitch, and rubbing my nose in the fact that i can’t take a vacation.

i wonder what freud would have to say about repeated dreaming of a forgotten passport? probably something about a crushing fear of being found unprepared or something, possibly involving penis envy. well, i’ve got my passport exactly where i know where it is — so put that in your pipe and smoke it, sigmund!