- @sanityknit Dude, those must’ve been killer earplugs — or powerful sleepiness! in reply to sanityknit #
- Row 155 on Lilalaunetuch done! Only like 80 more to go! #
- @lorenzodeleon C’mon. We’ll get Mike to do the falsetto bits. You know you want to! in reply to lorenzodeleon #
- @mizmoose Am going to go aspartame-free, see if headache goes away, then free for a week, then drink some, & see what happens. Erk. in reply to mizmoose #
- After blissfully having no headaches for a week, am now having a drink w/aspartame and suddenly have mild headache, & a sinking suspicion. #
- Hmm. Good points, all of you. I shall foist any leftover candy off on willing recipients: Tech support. #
- Like, I don’t want to be the person that gives out one SweeTarts packet per kid, but 6 chocolate bars seems excessive. #
- Practical yet nerdy question: How do you scale Halloween candy purchases? If I expect 50 kids, how much candy should I be buying, here? #
- @cloudlover If somebody asks you if you are a god, you say…YES! in reply to cloudlover #
- Hey, @thebkwyrm, am thinking I met you, from LJ/ZConland from a few years back :) #
- @Ipstenu Dude, it was there. For like five minutes, but THERE. For reals. in reply to Ipstenu #
- Oh my God, is that *BLUE SKY* I see out the window?!?!?! #
- Should I sign up for Dec accellerated intersession class? Maybe I’ll flip a coin. #
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