- NYC. Punk rock heavy metal karaoke still rocks. #
- Thank you, anonymous oper of ‘31415926’ open access point, for letting me mooch your wifi. You’re nice! #
- Also, your network name is awesome, ‘31415926.’ #
- Morning. Sun’s coming up. Temp should be in the 60s. Off to find the subway now – metrocard & chicago card plotting against me in my pocket. #
- So weird to be at work at 9am, but before the opening bell! But still have cnbc: snme things remain constant. #
- Oh, how I love manually doing the openSUSE installer software selection widget. Love love love. Clicky. Clicky. Clicky. Stabby. Clicky. #
- @smokes70 I’m pretty sure you’re just making that up. #
- @YarnHarlot Who said a server is inanimate? I work with them on a daily basis and trust me, they are sentient. And also malicious. #
- The weird thing about this unplanned, sudden work travel is that I keep forgetting what day it is. Getting off schedule freaks me out! #
- Getting ready to head back to NYC and from there, Chgo. Board train in CT at 1600 EDT, scheduled to arrive home at 2200ish CDT. @whee. #
- Also, hah. Ancient mushism (“@ whee,” sans space), now pokes some stranger. Hi, actual person @whee! Do you get that a lot? #
- Also. Murt get this in: weather here is GORGEOUS! #
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