- Fire alarm testing is a very ignominious way to wake up. #
- Mission pen: accomplished! Next, mission tea. Odds look good. #
- @christensen Oh, it’s way nicer. The hvac works! #
- @chowbok I was going to ask how that was all going! So poor Jinx doesn’t like Tiger? Is it at least a quiet detente? #
- @chowbok Nah, I figured you meant driving to the airport :) #
- 14 degrees and blizzard watch! Ha ha, sucks to be you guys! #
- @writchrd That is then! This is now, about 50*F and partially sunny! (Well, it was until it got to dusk anyway.) #
- @chowbok Fear inspires great acts of athleticism in him. :-) Maybe Jinx and Tiger will start mellowing (just in time for me to return…) #
- @writchrd I KNEW IT. #
- Going out on a pub crawl with the students from my hostel– we shall find out if i am indeed too old for this shit. #
- Jesus, fly to a whole nother continent and you still can’t get away from DBs with asinine popped collars. Aren’t ppl supposed to be fash … #
- Also, and this is without prejudice, this club is full of white people. Can we import some folks from home, shake it up a bit? #
- Thus endeth that experiment. Banal music ( ‘Bad Boys,’ really?), watery drinks that aren’t what i ordered, i’ll have better luck on my own. #
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