- Holy Precipitous Dip in the Price of Oil, Batman! #
- Ok…http://tinyurl.com/6l3blj is pretty entertaining. #
- http://tinyurl.com/5kscfh tells me my Sarah Palin name is Pick Beef Palin. Mmmm, beef! #
- There is literally no force on earth that could compel me to buy Touched By An Angel on DVD and watch it. #
- Ice skating night tonight! Ice skating night tonight! Ice skating night tonight! Yaaaay, ice skating night tonight!! #
- Have Jesusphone! Feel studly, and also pretty skeptical that it’ll go the next week without getting dropped and/or scratched. #
- @chowbok Duly searched! #
- Fucking brilliant: http://tinyurl.com/6jcgfq #
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