okay. i admit i’ve kinda contributed to the whining all season long myself, as brandon’s sort of been my pet rookie (oh, c’mon, pixie ears!), the starting rotation has been sort of hit or miss (…putting it mildly), brandon was stunning last year at the end of the regular season and in the postseason, and he’s been very good this year on several occasions — and also i just really like the funny very tall man, but jesus h. bob the management has said and said and said they’re not moving him into the regular starting rotation and if i log on to another damn whitesox forum and see people screeching about putting mccarthy in the rotation now i’m going to start kneecapping me some fanboys. dude, they said no, now let’s move on with our lives and get back to bitching about javy vasquez and the fact that freddy was robbed last night and how the twins are going down, all right?

my sympathy is with Scott Merkin on this one.