had a pain in the ass time sleeping last night — i was really tired; went to bed at 11 despite the fact that the cleveland vs. sox game was still on — and woke up at least once an hour until i finally gave up and got out of bed a little past six. i was going to get up at six-thirty anyways, so it didn’t really make a lot of difference. still, four of seven hours, teh suxor. we got out of here around eight and headed west to sandusky. i’ve never been to cedar point before, so it was really neat. there was some kid-stress — this having been reallly the first time i’ve been to a theme park with actual kids since i was a kid and went to six flags over saint louis for the first time, it required some mental readjustment with regard to bitching about inane shit —

trivia question, and a cookie for the first to get it right (and you’ll have to post it to lj, as i haven’t gotten comments working on blosxom yet) — is there a word for losing a finger, like decapitation means losing a head? the only thing i could think of was defenestration, which is Not Correct. could only suggest dedigitization, which — while amusing enough — is probably Not Correct either. stupid wordage! being all hard and shit!

— anyways, there was some kid-stress related to who wanted to ride roller coasters and who wanted to not ride roller coasters, but the coasters were a lot of fun, and —

timo is hitting for carlos? what? why is lee out? WHY IS LEE OUT?!?! why does everything in baseball always happen while i am not paying attention?!

— and i managed to not overdo it, which is good considering i have two ten hour days of driving ahead of me and then a four-hour stretch on the third day, so driving with a sore neck would have been a poor idea indeed.

my coworkers are strange and off-putting:

badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger!
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger!
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger!
* twork does the dance
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger!
c is broken.

i like it here and all, but man! i’ll be glad to get back to a place where, when someone (i.e. kim) asks me “what on earth is this [stupid thing my computer has just done that makes no sense to me because it is written in a made-up language that doesn’t exist],” i am once more free to chortle loudly, “it is fuck! all is fuck!” … reason #56787654 i shall never reproduce.

— oh, fucking takatsu! what the shit was that! you twerp!

… oh, balls to this. more later. goddammit.