the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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I think I'm settled on this for my next shawl: [Rav link]. Echo Flower Shawl by Jenny Johnson Johnen. # I am utterly at a loss to understand why Upstairs Neighbor must stomp, stomp, stomp across the floor every time she walks somewhere. # Done with Clue 3 of MysticGlance! Onward. :) # 3rd […]

This monsoon season better end soon, I'm taking my grandma and aunt to the Sox/Cubs game Friday and DON'T YOU RAIN ON MY GRANDMA, CLOUDS. # Elsewhere in the world, Oz gets its first female Prime Minister while its citizens shoot each other to see if it hurts. # Now I can get down […]

I just put this on my system to make my display easier to deal with at night. So much better! Take a peek: # I just ordered two new "grab bag" swimsuits. Given the return of 80s fashion, this could end in tears, but I remain hopeful for plain solid. # Evergreen shawl is […]

On the bright side? Upstairs Neighbor hasn't THUMPY! THUMPY! THUMPY!ied in an hour. Please let all her furniture be assembled now! # Watching lightning over the west side. No thunder though, I think it's just sort of a sad little storm. The Little Storm that Couldn't. # In fact, the only thing that would make […]

Doing a Rav search for lace shawl patterns, I am noticing a truly alarming number of ponchos. Just Say No to Ponchos, people! # Maybe rather than picking out a new project I should just concentrate on finishing MysticGlance. It's not quite there but … soon! # Also, "I have been juicing most of my […]