the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Okay, am ready for tetanus shot related ache in right arm to go away now, please. #
  • And dear Timetrade: It is fucking stupid of you to “require” IE6 by which I mean it works fine if I make my IE7 user-agent string lie. #
  • Dear Microsoft: It is fucking stupid to have to go into the registry to modify an application setting (IE’s user-agent string.) #
  • Dear Recruiter: I don’t run Windows, I don’t know PL/SQL, and I don’t live in Dallas. Am at a loss to explain your emailing me. #
  • Hey, wait. What do you mean Sammy Sosa was juicing? No way. I mean, golly. I never saw that coming. Gosh, Wally. #
  • Paralyzed with desire to write passive aggressive note re: boxes in recycling dumpster & the difficulty of breaking down thereof. #

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  • Re: recently spotted Doctor Who spoiler photo: 100% PURE AWESOME. #

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  • I love my spam lately. Earnestine Idjxeby wants me to know that “Ipod killed a man.” Really, Earnestine? Do tell! #
  • Busy: first time I checked twitter in like 3 hours. Yay perl, yay code that works, yay script that spews less garbage cron mail at me. #
  • AJ, I still love you, but I hope you got wedgied for that crack about how Buerhle stinks at hitting, in re: his home run. #whitesox #
  • Weekend: laundry, cleaning, multi-week shopping, homework, swimming, and still a bit left over to get a good several inches on Nelly shawl. #

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  • ZOMG PSB are coming to town in september!! #

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  • Seriously, have we set a record yet for most-constantly-rainy, least-sunshiney spring yet? Because if not, MAYBE TODAY’S THE DAY. #
  • What a beautiful day out there. If you like living in a permanent cloudbank. #
  • And having just bought my books for summer quarter, I suppose this means I’m officially broke. #
  • Having just registered for summer quarter classes, I suppose this means I am officially a Blue Demon. #

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