the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

something moderately irritating that keeps happening to me is that i keep getting confronted with things that i won’t be able to do for a long time.

for example: riding my bicycle. i like to ride my bike. i used do it fairly frequently. now, of course, i can’t actually put any weight on my wrist, as if i could even bend it at this point, so i have no chance of riding my bike — which has straight, mountain bike handlebars. I could get new, more cruiser-like handlebars, or I could get a new bike. if i did get new handlebars, i’d have to do do some other customization as well (frankenbike represent!), as right now, my seat post is very tall, and i lean forward a lot. i like the Santa bike. and i like it as is. none of these options is particularly attractive.

and yesterday, i watched disk five of the queer as folk season one dvd set, one episode of which features brian bowling. i will not be bowling anytime soon. i used to like to bowl. i’m not very good at it anymore, but i bowled in a league in the eighth grade, so i still like to play around sometimes. before, my wrists were fairly shot due to carpal tunnel anyway, so i really could only bowl for one game, but now i can’t bowl at all — and i have no idea when i will be able to. and this sucks.

there are other things too, but i won’t bore you with the details. suffice it to say i’m cranky.

this, on top of being told i’m probably going to have arthritis real soon now.


KILL ME NOW, redux

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i couldn’t cope. i took the healing step of walking out of the training, not to return until something i don’t need to have the nice salesman^Winstructor discuss at lengthy, lengthy length is on the agenda.

this, friends, is the sweet relief of productivity returning to me. it’s not as sweet as painkillers, but it’ll do for now.


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today’s training purports to teach me what a user account is and what the domain name system is.

i give even odds on whether i kill the instructor, or michael does.

got a bill

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got the “you’d better be glad your insurance is paying this” not-a-bill invoice from the hospital today. turns out? orthopaedic surgery, not inexpensive. in fact, it appears to cost one $5007 for the first thirty minutes, and $589 for each fifteen minute increment thereafter. the plate and screw combo they put in to hold things together was a grand. the total damage was $13,451.66. ouch.

although i suppose i can’t say it wasn’t worth it.

yay, dr. mass.

saw this banner ad while browsing a site i normally dislike (actually, still do; just was curious to see what they had to say about something i just discovered and like, to see if their reviews are still snotty and irritate me as always):

Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Available Now

i saw the “downward spiral, in stores now” bit as i was in the process of hitting the back button, did a double take and hit the forward button, and then realized that it said the tenth anniversary edition.

oh shit, i’m fuckling old now.
