now i have the hiccups. you bastard.
now i have the hiccups. you bastard.
shit you not, i think my heart skipped a beat when i read those six chilling words on the Campaign for Better Transit‘s Service Cuts page about this year’s CTA budget woes and cutbacks that may result:
What Have I Done With My Life, by johnny.
the lovely kay’s latest contribution is also a pretty good one.i have a string coming out of my arm. i’m sure, intellectually, that it’s just a little bit of my dissolving stitches that were put in on the inside, and somehow a little tiny bit of it is sticking out, but… there is a STRING coming out of my ARM! and worst of all? if you tug on it (as i did, when scratching — the scar is healing enough to get into that annoying itchy stage — just now), it COMES OUT MORE. aaaaaaaaugh!
i am inordinately creeped out by this. THERE IS A STRING COMING OUT OF MY ARM!! ew, ew, ew! ew!so one friend gave me a book a while ago — eats, shoots & leaves — which i subsequently loaned to a different friend, who returned it today. which led to me reading it again today, in turn prompting this amused post to an eddie izzard community on livejournal, about a relatively innocuous topic — my relation of the book’s text to eddie’s “monkeys and guns” bit. to which the first response included the remark, “You must get a ton of dates!”
sigh. yes, please do remind me of my essential loserhood and inability to get a date. because, y’know, i’d forgotten. i hate humanity. if you’ll pardon me, i think i’m going to go hide under my comforter and sulk myself to sleep.