the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

blogging vs. working

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an article leads to an interesting discussion via comments on the impact of blogging (and other persistant network-detritus of your personal life) on getting a job.

for the record: i (a) did list my blog (and stats) on my most recently-written resume, and (b) tend to believe that if an employer is wise enough to google me, he or she are allowed to take into account what they find — and, further, if someone doesn’t want to hire me because i say “fuck” too much on my blog, that’s just as well because i say “fuck” pretty much just as often in real life. as a matter of fact, i’m just about as opinionated and blunt, and self-deprecating and insecure, in real life as i am here. all those times i posted something like “ARRRRRRRRGH,” in bold-faced type? i threw my arms up in the air and shouted it as well — possibly, i also made “i’m going to strangle you/him/her/them” gestures in accompaniment. i’m a very WYSIWYG human.

the best of 2005

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so i’m sitting here listening to the radio and one of the endless “best of 2004″ spots plays, and the announcer goes, “and what will 2005 bring us?”

i think, “more of the same.” and i smile as i realize that that’s not at all, in any way, a bad thing.

despite everything, you know, i’m actually pretty happy with my life. i could do without any broken wrists from here on out, but really, things are pretty good. i love my city, my neighborhood, and my apartment. i love my workplace (even if my job makes me crazy) and my coworkers. i have enough money to feed the monkey on my back by buying music when i want it. i own the coolest car ever, and have access to one of the world’s best transit systems when i don’t want to drive. i have good friends that send me happy birthday emails and make me smile. i’m no good at playstation games, but that’s okay because it still amuses me when i’m playing at a friend’s house (even if i really, really can never remember the name of the silly sticky-ball game and always want to call it Kobayashi Maru). i have a cozy down comforter on my bed, and nobody bitches at me if i steal all of it and rip all the sheets off the mattress too. and i have a decent bottle of port in the fridge and pretty glasses to drink it out of.

plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose — but sometimes la même chose is a pretty damned good chose.

1. don’t fuck up anyone’s commute.
2. don’t leave a disgusting mess for the EMTs.
3. don’t fuck up any of sabrina’s shit.

there used to only be two rules of suicide, the former two, which came into being several years ago after i was riding metra on the way to work and someone jumped in front of our train. but then this year i moved into this apartment building and discovered, right before i moved in, that rooftop access had been cut off because like two people had jumped off the building. apparently one of them landed right behind gourmand’s open back door at opening time, and traumatized a bunch of art students. i want my rooftop access, dammit.

(personally, i don’t get that. this building is only 12 stories. that isn’t nearly enough of a sure thing, i don’t think. i mean, if it were me, and i was going to jump off something, i’d find something more than 150′ tall or whatever. there’re lots of tall buildings around here, and i’m certain that not all of them are well-enough guarded. although, i suppose in the suicides’ defense, jumping onto federal st. at least fucks traffic up very little, relative to jumping onto wacker or whatever.)

there’s just really no excuse for violating rules 1 or 2. especially since there are nice, neat ways to check out. you don’t have to fuck with thousands of commuters to make your point, and neither do you have to mean hours and hours of cleanup involving harsh chemicals before people can walk past that square footage without saying “ew.” i mean, that’s just insensitive.

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Lore Brand Comics.

why we love bluetooth

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we love bluetooth because when a song randomly plays on the jukebox at a bar where niqui is drinking beer — a song niqui really ought to know who did it — she can hop online and figure out that it’s supertramp, “breakfast in america.”

(niqui ought to have known it because, let’s face it, the guy’s voice is … memorable.)

although — what the fuck is it with people who see me on the laptop in the bar and walk up to me, asking, “is that a blog?” … jesus! okay, yes, it is, but… goddammit.

that’s it. i’m going to pull out the laptop more randomly and less to write down, and blog, random moments, from here on out. you hear that? from here on out i’m fucking pulling out the laptop in bars to, like, calculate pi. motherfuckers!

also: who the hell played supertramp??? especially followed by smashing pumpkins? what are you, schizophrenic?