the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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i was leafing through my books today to see if i have anything i might like to have signed by neil gaiman today, and discovered to my dismay that i seem to have misplaced/lost/forgotten what i did with my stardust graphic novel. it’s not with my neil gaiman hardbacks, nor is it with my other graphic novels. it’s possible that it’s in my comic longboxes, but doubtful as i pulled most of the graphic novels out of there and besides, i don’t think i ever put it in there to begin with; i thought i’d kept it shelved.


buffy quizorama

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cut because some of the images are excessively large. in a nutshell, my brain is far too full of buffy trivia!


meeeeeep :(

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i think my iPod is dead. i was listening to music in the car friday and it wouldn’t play certain songs; it would hang and skip and then move to the next song, where it might do that again. it seemed limited to certain songs so i figured it was bad blocks, but now i plugged it in to the laptop to swap the music before driving home tomorrow, and it’s been displaying the picture that seems to imply it’s checking its disk (a spinning platter with a superimposed magnifying glass; i can only assume that they thought explanatory text would confuse us or something), for like fifteen minutes now.

don’t be dead, poor baby ipod! i love you! i know you’re four years old or something, and nobody uses 5G ipods anymore, but i still love you!

world ending

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i just saw a coors light ad with a jane’s addiction song as feature music.

that is all.

i never knew that voting republican was a turn-on for me. thank goodness i have the intarweb so now i know.

Your dating personality profile:

Sensual – You are not particularly shy when it comes to your sexuality. You know what you like and do not feel inhibited.
Intellectual – You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.
Adventurous – Just sitting around the house is not something that appeals to you. You love to be out trying new things and really experiencing life.

Your date match profile:

Shy – You are put off by people who are open books. You are drawn to someone who is a bit more mysterious. You want to draw him out of his shell and get to know what he is all about.
Funny – You consider a good sense of humor a major necessity in a date. If his jokes make you laugh, he has won your heart.
Intellectual – You seek out intelligence. Idle chit-chat is not what you are after. You prefer your date who can stimulate your mind.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Sensual
2. Intellectual
3. Adventurous
4. Wealthy/Ambitious
5. Liberal
6. Big-Hearted
7. Outgoing
8. Funny
9. Stylish
10. Romantic

Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Shy
2. Funny
3. Intellectual
4. Practical
5. Adventurous
6. Big-Hearted
7. Conservative
8. Stylish
9. Athletic
10. Wealthy/Ambitious

Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversions

i wanna know how they ranked my funniness factor at 8 without even asking me to, like, tell a joke. i suspect this quiz of being scientifically inaccurate!