the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

the pub

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the pub



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not only did i get to order my beautiful painting that i love this week, i just got a totally awesome present from one of our vendors, as thanks for beta-testing the new rev of their product — an iPod Shuffle.


this means i can totally still listen to mysic while working out even though i’m scared my iPod will die soon (and am thus scared of applying extra vibration to it) and and and DUDE I TOTALLY GOT A FREE IPOD SHUFFLE.

am so excited.

(plus, the new rev of the software is pretty cool.)

my poor little cat. he’s going to be fourteen in october. he developed this swelling on his jaw a couple of days ago and i got kind of worried about it, so i called the vet and set up an appointment, thinking it might be an abcessed tooth or something else. instead, to celebrate his teenagerhood, my cat has developed a severe case of acne.

i think the vet was trying hard not to giggle as he told me my cat had zits.


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i am a sadistic bitch. i was plotting to write a project plan in iambic pentameter.

of course, i have since realized that the project is too huge; it’s going to take me hours to write the entire thing out in prose. i’ll have to reserve iambic pentameter for certain parts, to add that certain je ne sais quoi … et elle n’est pas très sympa.


summer drinking season

Mmm, beer and sunshine