the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

a little while ago, i noticed something that amused me, and i thought it might amuse some other folk. so i posted it to a community that’s about sharing amusing things that amuse you in order to amuse others.

then someone followed up, almost immediately, commenting with something that i actually said in the original post—they evidently didn’t read the part wherein i wrote that—and that they were trying to correct/educate me with.

i blinkblinked, decided that i declined to post a “right … i said that … it’s right there … *scratches head*”-type comment because it was silly and probably an oversight anyway or they were having a bad day or whatever and who cares really (and besides, maybe—if i was really lucky—someone else would post it for me).

and then a second person posted a comment saying “i agree with [the person who obviously didn’t read what i wrote].”

now i’m not amused anymore. i’m just confused.


summer dinner outside

Beer and steak and happiness.

Moblog bookfair prep

Getting ready for the printers row book fair

hard-won knowledge

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after much time and consideration, i have come to the conclusion that heavy, cloying fragrance is not a good idea especially on hot, muggy days when you’re anywhere near me.

also, the kittenwar algorithm:

  • Scottish Folds always win.
  • Younger cat trumps older cat.
  • Sleeping cat trumps awake cat.
  • Tabby or calico trumps single-colored cat.
  • Cat playing with something trumps cat doing nothing.
  • Cross-eyed, dopey-looking, or surprised cat trumps regular cat.
  • Poor cats someone has dressed in some stupid outfit always lose.
  • Cat with tongue sticking out trumps anything.
  • (and i always vote for the sphinx for a sympathy vote.)

civic opera

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civic opera

I miss working in the civic