the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

i’ll give a prize to the first person to correctly guess the theme behind my apartment’s shiny new paintjob-to-be. (no fair guessing if i actually told you already.) also i have no idea what sort of prize, but this being me there’s a good chance it’ll be shiny of some sort.

Me: Okay, I think I’m ready.
Home Depot guy, who — it later turns out — was supposed to get off shift right before I strolled up to him: What– sees pile of chips and my list — oh, boy.
Me: Well, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing colorfully, right?

here’s a description:

  • front office: light green walls with darker green trim,
  • living room: lavender walls with wine trim,
  • kitchen: wainscoting in pale orange, with pale yellow above the chair rail,
  • bathroom: pink walls with chocolate trim,
  • bedroom: medium blue walls with pale blue trim.

aside: actually, the Home Depot guy was totally cool. he called in another guy to help him and they mixed up ten tubs of paint for me. it turned out that they were out of one particular base in the quart size, so i have to hit the other Home Depot on North Ave. today and try and get that, but they accidentally mixed a different on that should have been a quart in a gallon size, so they mixed up ten tubs. i was grateful i had a book with me, as i was waiting at the paint counter for a good forty minutes. the guys were super cool, though, and i have lots of really gorgeous paint now. i am through with living in white-walled boredom! even if the cost of spectacular color is over $200 — yikes. but i do have half a dozen fabulous people coming over to help me beautify my life, so i’m feeling pretty warm and fuzzy about that.

but back to my silly little contest:
as a red herring, i’ll throw in that i’m plotting to paint the gas line to my stove — which rises along the wall behind the stove and enters the wall, inexplicably, about halfway up — a bright enameled green, and attach silk flowers to the top. but that’s just me being me. (bonus point if you correctly guess which type of flower — daisies, sunflowers, or forsythia?) okay, i have no idea if any of y’all actually care at all, but i figured i’d post this and see if anyone was amused enough to try and guess. there is a theme, it’s fairly obvious if you think about my long-term interests/hobbies, and i’m totally buying the matching shower curtain at some point if i make it up to water tower.

oh i am so tired

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up at 7 am, thanks to the subwoofer neighbor. out of the house by 8:30, to run by dominick’s and pick up (chips|water|soda) to keep painting volunteers refreshed. at the new place by 9:15, after carting groceries plus painting supplies up to the third floor. washed walls and trim in office (read: v. small bedroom). carried ladders (2) from car upstairs. met building caretaker, nice guy, rides a nice bike. began washing walls in living room. around 12:30 folks start showing up. wash wash wash wash wash scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub. make two auxiliary trips to the corner hardware store to fetch accessories. wash wash wash scrub scrub scrub scrub. folks, i have to tell you, the last guy that lived in the apartment was a filthy, filthy slob. i am not exaggerating. the bathroom alone was horrifying. bill volunteered to rip out and repair the caulk around the tub, which is a herculean task and for which i am immensely grateful. masking tape, masking tape, masking tape. finally painting began, in the cleaned rooms, while we continued to clean other ones (and bill continued to make the bathroom considerably better). painting operations ceased at approximately 1945, when michael and i both said “fuck this” and dove headfirst into stephanie’s chocolate stash.

back on the ranch, i have to tell you: i have never in my life been quite so grateful that we live in an age of modern technology such that if i pick up this gadget and type in a series of specific pre-selected numbers, it lets me speak to someone who will actually show up at my house with food and i don’t have to do anything other than give them a couple pieces of paper for it. (eta: man, you can tell how tired i was writing that by how many typos i didn’t notice before publishing it. uh, fixed now. and yes, i still hurt in the morning. yikes.)

as part of the never-ending schedule of chores that i must do as part and parcel of moving to a new apartment in a new neighborhood, i made the acquaintance of my new aldermanic offices today. telephonically-speaking, that is.

of course the city of chicago’s aldermanic maps (PDF, naturally!) are such crap — and not labeled with, oh, say, street names — that i had to guess which ward i was going to be in, and then call them to ask. like a dumbass. (which i am, but i don’t like to advertise it.) because, you see, yesterday when i drove up there to pick up the keys and then go look at paint chips on walls, i discovered that my street has permit parking. not zoned parking, apparently, but permit parking. i have no idea what the difference is other than terminology and signage — as any chicagoan knows the sight of a zoned parking sign, with its two red stuck-on-looking numbers, insisting that flouters of the zone shall be towed, crushed for scrap, and melted. no, my street has signs that say in rather polite small letters that between certain hours you must have permit 800 to park here. also, zoned parking signs will have the same number for blocks around, but the next block south of mine had a different permit number. the price of a permit seems to be the same. i find myself a little confused. nonetheless, it was as good an excuse to begin taking advantage of the public services available to me as a new resident of the ward. this led me to perusing the Flores’ 1st Ward web site a little more, trying to see what i have to do to update my voter registration. (ladies and gentlemen, i would cry if not allowed to vote for the better complete loser in the upcoming gubernatorial race!) and while doing that, i discovered that not only does alderman manny flores provide his residents with a handy little website — pretty standard these days, anyways, i should think — a public access television show, and an email list, but he has podcasts as well. podcasts, people. my alderman podcasts. i am not making this up. he’s apparently very concerned about our green space and participatory art, and evidently doesn’t mind being accompanied by awful smooth “jazz” music. i’m feeling a little bit uneasy. of course, i am glad to know that the first ward has formed a Grocery Task Force. my tax dollars at work, baby!

a bird’s-eye view

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a bird's-eye view
Section 558, row 20, seat 6. It only goes to sec 558, row 21, seat 11. I’ve never been this high up in the upper deck before! Nice view of the diamond though. And I totally dig the swanky new green seats, though they’re only like 3/4 done.

so, obviously i went on a short road trip this past weekend — through cleveland to meet up with the lovely miz KC for delicious sooshee lunch then on to to assist the very capable LiveJournal userinfo mistergrumpy with setting the greater pittsburgh area on fire. well, not really so much on fire. okay, maybe just a little on fire, but only where no one would notice — because that’s the kind of people we are!

things i learned this weekend:

  • i-pass and ez-pass are, like, run by the same people. this means i didn’t actually have to pay tolls on the pa turnpike. now if only ohio and indiana would get their asses in gear i would be cooking with gas. indiana are at least planning to implement ez-pass in 2007, but ohio is whining a whole lot about how they don’t have commuters and since they use the ticket system, people ought to just pony up their nine bucks and shut up. i wrote ohio a letter and tried to convince them they were wrong. it probably didn’t work.
  • pittsburgh is very hilly. i should have remembered how hilly philly is, and not been surprised, but nooooo, i’m a dumbass.
  • pittsburgh also has lots of trees. this, in combination with the hills, means pittsburgh is definitively not “midwestern.” flat states represent!

friday: dinner at penn brewery (appetizer of kartoffelpuffer, entr�e of schweinebraten, and a pint of penn dark — the schweinebraten was fabulous and the portion was hyooge; i was sad at the waste but i could not eat that much food!, and the beer was pretty tasty) followed by driving around until my poor sleepy self could not cope anymore (and/or my host could not cope with my whining about being sleepy anymore; six’a one, half a dozen t’other). saturday, brunch at pamela’s in squirrel hill (i thought very hard about the french toast, which sounded yummy, but in the end went with an omelet) followed by a jaunt out into the countryside to watch some folks get hitched.

then off to shootz on the south side for pool and pints of yuengling (“ying-ling”), to shoot some pool in our wedding-guest finery (though i am forced to admit to having changed my cute t-strap pumps into chucks before leaving the reception — not just to make a fashion statement, either; though, d. changing from a button-down to a clash shirt was fashion-motivated, i believe!). shootz was a bit crowded with the just-turned-21 crowd, but they thinned out after a bit and the table was nice so it all worked out well in the end. also, i did not suck completely, so i was feeling pretty good about that. of course, unlike at kasey’s, there was chalk, so there was opportunity to suck less. sunday involved a strange sammidge-shaped culinary experience involving pastrami, provolone, white bread, french fries, and coleslaw. it actually turned out to taste pretty good, unlikely a combination as it sounds. the fries i don’t think did a whole lot for the sammidge, but the coleslaw was tasty — kinda like mild, crispier sauerkraut. and everybody loves sauerkraut, right? so that was at primanti brothers — well spotted, jonathan! — in (i think) north versailles. then a couple more games of pool, and i honestly do think i play better on three-quarters size tables than full-size tables, oddly, though i think i ended up losing in the end. alas. on the way back from sammidgelandia, picked up a case of iron city beer to take home with me. it’s currently in the trunk of my car waiting for me to head north and pick up the keys to my new apartment, where it shall be the very first personal possession taken inside the new digs. because i have my priorities right in line, my friends; yes i do! then six and three-quarters hours rolling, a smidge over 7 hours in total, straight back home, listening to the game on WMVP AM 1000 (which i picked up just west of cleveland, handily enough) until the rain delay hit. got home just in time for my guys to crush cleveland. i declare this road trip a success.