the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

thank goodness:

  • i bought nice friendly to poor toothless niqui foods — such as soup and yogurt and applesauce — earlier this week;
  • i decided on a whim earlier today, before the appointment of doom, to stop in to the friendly local store of das overfuehrer, because, as LiveJournal userinfo pxr5 says, “he’s clearly evil, but he makes lovely ice cream.” although i normally don’t eat ice cream, i figured that this was a special occasion, and so i struck out preemptively to defeat self-pity with a quart of cold vanilla deliciousness.
  • and thank goodness that after taking the bus home and waiting for the pharmacist at osco to fill my eighty-seven prescriptions and walking home and waiting about another 45 minutes very, very eagerly, the vicodin finally kicked in.

am feeling a little bit more human now that i’ve had some actual food and some actual PAINKILLERS and a couple of episodes of “ellen” on the tivo. HOORAY!!! for increased humanity.

Homeward bound

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Homeward bound
Only two teeth pulled. Easiest (not bad at all) and hardest (fucking terrifying and painful despite loads of novocaine). Lots of pain. Also, look like a very angry chipmunk. Deeply, deeply unhappy at the moment.


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Got here an hour before my appointment. Turns out they close up for lunch so I even got kicked out of the nice surgery waiting area which at least has daytime television to confuse me with storylines I don’t know. At least I have my trusty ipod and two paperbacks, though if I face a huge wait after my appointment time like last time, a few of you might start getting ‘i’m going stir-crazy’ texts. You are duly forewarned.

I love my town so much
Gorgeous night, cheap seats, and goddamn if I don’t just love this city to bits.

warm comfort

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is it totally wrong if i think, in order to make it through my nine am meeting, i’m really going to need to add to this:

Coffee cup
some of this?
Jamieson Irish Whiskey
seriously, if you were going to this meeting you’d be egging me on.