the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

So here’s some groundbreaking science! “‘Helicopter’ parents have neurotic kids, study suggests.” NO! You don’t say! Some kid who never gets to decide anything on his own gets anxious when it turns out he has to decide things? This is a fascinating new discovery in human development! Nobody could have seen that coming!

My favorite line of the article was where it was talking about the study itself, which was issued to college freshman in order to determine if their parents had aircraft-like tendencies or not. One of the things asked was for the student to rate his agreement with the statement “If two days go by without contact my parents would contact me.” Two days? Really? Two days a college kid can’t be on his own? That’s just ridiculous. They’re in college, let them go, Jesus. I mean, I think if I didn’t phone for two years my parents might get curious, but it seems unlikely they’d actually pick up a phone and check in. Back then, yeah, I pretty much went a year between obligatory status updates, and that frequently only because I kept moving apartments and had to give out new phone numbers and stuff. Two days? I would lose my tiny little mind if anyone demanded status updates on my life at such a frequency. I wonder if these poor neurotic helicopter-ees are going to grow up to be the world’s best middle managers or something, just from being acclimated to being micromanaged from above. Yikes. Now I’m sorry I even imagined a bunch of kids being micromanaged. That just ain’t right.

  • Ok. The noisy upstairs neighbor is officially graduating to "a problem" if they don't knock it off. Are they running an aerobics studio??? #
  • Is it silly to untick all the Jonathan Groff #Glee songs in my iTunes because I am mad Jesse turned out to be just another dick after all? #

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  • Burpees tread an interesting line between really really hateful and really really fun. #
  • Looks like the film set I wandered past yesterday was the new Vince Vaughn flick. Didn't see him, a gorgeous old Dodge caught my eye tho. #

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  • Twitter has been saying for days that I have 838 tweets only. Feeling a little unappreciated by a service epitomized by the failwhale. #
  • If I were grumpy, I would certainly follow @chowbok's lead and look at Or if I were happy. animals!! #
  • I had two Baltika NÂș6 porters at lunch. They caused me to talk a whole lot about Samuel Barber. He's not even Russian! #
  • Hate people wanting to show apt when I want to be home relaxing. Feel like leaving dirty laundry piles by w/d in revenge. #

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  • This plan to leave the house sounded better before it started pissing down rain. #
  • I kinda want to hold on to my book/record donation piles and take them to Cairo, now. #

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