the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • I mean, like 7 hrs in the car in one day round trip – the Flubs owed them at least one stupid run. #
  • So, game today, a Sox winner, always good. Tho I wish the Cubs would have at least put up a fight. Grandma and Aunt Sue drove all that way. #
  • Also, dudes, what are they putting in the Gatorade these days that people keep throwing no-nos? #
  • I just went out on my balcony and killed like 7 MASSIVE spiders with an old shoe. I need to quietly freak out in a well-lit room now. #
  • Am off to Sox Park, to meet grandma and aunt Sue and get our baseball on! #GoWhiteSox #
  • It's a perfect day outside for a run by the lakefront, y'all. And soon, a perfect day outside for a trip to the ballpark. #friday #hooray #
  • An improvement – Upstairs Neighbor didn't wake me until 3:20AM today. I need a HOWTO for putting sleeping pills in her water supply. #

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  • I think I'm settled on this for my next shawl: [Rav link]. Echo Flower Shawl by Jenny Johnson Johnen. #
  • I am utterly at a loss to understand why Upstairs Neighbor must stomp, stomp, stomp across the floor every time she walks somewhere. #
  • Done with Clue 3 of MysticGlance! Onward. :) #
  • 3rd bad thing today: milk boiled over slightly while making paneer. Ok, now that those are out of the way, today will go back to awesome. #
  • I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that any failwhales today will be related somehow to the iPhone 4. #
  • I mean, the 194 oz of beer per purchase (i.e., trip to your car) thing is weird but now wine vending machines with mandatory breathalyzers? #
  • I don't understand Pennsylvania's bizarre relationship with alcohol. #
  • The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Daleks: #
  • Hrm. Today is not off to a banner start. (THUMPY, followed by pers trainer not showing for appt.) Need moar coffee to cope with this. :/ #
  • You know how I said she stopped with THUMPY THUMPY? … Yeah, those ten or fifteen minutes were great. #
  • Hopefully, my middle-of-the-night bedhead, scraggly robe, and glasses not hiding the sleepy rage in my eyes scared her straight. #
  • I'm not proud of having uttered the words "the condo rules state…," but, OTOH, the THUMPY THUMPY has now stopped. So, I'm cool with it. #
  • …in which our heroine goes upstairs and tells Upstairs Neighbor to quit THUMPY THUMPY. Which turns out to be exercise videos. #
  • And now Upstairs Neighbor has graduated to waking me up in the middle of the night with THUMPY THUMPY. …Now it's on. #

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  • This monsoon season better end soon, I'm taking my grandma and aunt to the Sox/Cubs game Friday and DON'T YOU RAIN ON MY GRANDMA, CLOUDS. #
  • Elsewhere in the world, Oz gets its first female Prime Minister while its citizens shoot each other to see if it hurts. #
  • Now I can get down to the srs bzns of nomming this yummy tabouleh I got for dinner. (& ignoring the laundry, lying accusingly on the floor.) #
  • Hahaha. "Tornado Sirens" is trending worldwide. Guess we're all a little freaked out by this strange unfamiliar noise! #
  • …and now it's time to open a bottle of wine, I think. #
  • Ok. Clouds breaking up to the west, though there is still lightning downtown. I think we survived TORNADOWATCH '10! #hooray #
  • Uh, folks in Hyde Park, it's apparently headed right for you. So get the hell off twitter and find your basement. :) #
  • And today, kids, our lesson is that, in high-rise buildings, the best place to hide from a tornado is an interior hallway away from windows. #
  • There may be life outside my apartment, but it sure rains a lot out here. #
  • Well, now, aren't I just Little Miss Accomplish-A-Lot today, hmm? #
  • And by "best effort," I mean sort of in that "incredibly uncoordinated 6 yr old in ballet class" way, with lots of flailing and wrongness. #
  • Using iBank continues to feel like a "best effort," rather than accurate, money management platform. All PF software frigging *sucks*, man. #

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  • I just put this on my system to make my display easier to deal with at night. So much better! Take a peek: #
  • I just ordered two new "grab bag" swimsuits. Given the return of 80s fashion, this could end in tears, but I remain hopeful for plain solid. #
  • Evergreen shawl is on the blocking wires! Back to MysticGlance for me, maybe to finish up Chart 3 before class tonight. #
  • I wish companies from which I bought something one time three years ago didn't interpret that as license to add me to newsletters now. #

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  • On the bright side? Upstairs Neighbor hasn't THUMPY! THUMPY! THUMPY!ied in an hour. Please let all her furniture be assembled now! #
  • Watching lightning over the west side. No thunder though, I think it's just sort of a sad little storm. The Little Storm that Couldn't. #
  • In fact, the only thing that would make this whisky better would be if it would make it less sucktacular to use Blackboard. #
  • Mmm. This Malt Trust bottling of MacAllan 17 is yummy. #
  • It's really noteworthy that after 2+ yrs of literally *no* noise from *any* other apt, I can listen to Upstairs Neighbor stomp each step. #
  • Oh my God, Upstairs Neighbor! Seriously, can't I get one frigging day with no THUMPY THUMPY? Did you buy an entire Ikea to assemble? #
  • Hmmm. The weather is pretty much perfectly summertime out there right now. 81°, not too muggy, not too bright, not too windy… just right. #
  • Dilemma. Buy $40 poster I really like and let it sit until I can buy a £10 frame locally, or skip bc A1 frame too difficult to find in US? #
  • If people start importing vuvuzelas to baseball games… this will end badly. #

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