the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • What are the key words if we were going to design a Incompetent Banking Bailout Drinking Game? Apart from ‘leverage’ and ‘deregulate.’ #

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  • @shadow If you were here (or I were there) I’d buy you one! Instead I guess I’ll have to drink one for you instead. #
  • /me shakes her cane, yells at those goddamn kids to get off her ice #
  • Endless comedic potential from the “Global War on Shorts” and the “No Shorts List” and so forth. Especially the G. W. on S. #

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  • @writchrd Why? #
  • Ow. TMJ acting up again. Probably stress related. Joy! #

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  • Jack: “Where’s Linda?” Me: “At the yarn store.” Jack (horrified): “You let her go ALONE?!?” #

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  • @smokes70 Yes! You are honor-bound to enjoy it twice as much as an ordinary person — to make up for those of us who don’t get to. :) #
  • Hobbit sent me to read because, as he says, clearly I need a man. Also, I am a Rebellious Witch Whore. #
  • The longer I am a sysadmin, the more and more I love find(1). #
  • @hubbit Yes, but in fairness, it’s only because this medium was made for you. #
  • Figuring a 20% wholesale discount, every American could have 7.8 boxes of bulk, unwrapped Smarties candies for the cost of the AIG bailout. #
  • That’s 210,186 individual delicious, nutritious Smarties candies per person for every man, woman, and especially child. #

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