the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Hah. Tonight’s CSO performance of The Damnation of Faust was in French. I hadn’t realized that going in. #
  • @shadow Be Palin! I wanna see pictures of the ‘do, too! #

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so for the past few weeks, for some reason, my tivo recording of ‘house’ has cut off just before the end of the episode — usually leaving off a minute or so of the tag plus the preview. i don’t know why this is happening; i’d suspect the tivo’s timer is off except it ntps daily and all my other shows are fine, it’s just house. maybe it’s one of fox’s dippy and innumerable reality crapfests on before it (what do i know, i don’t watch reality television) running late because america is too goddamn slow texting in who gets kicked off the island next. but it hasn’t been a problem, because i’ve also been tivoing its immediate successor, ‘fringe,’ so i just skip down to that and watch it next, and it picks up with maybe a second or so gap.

EXCEPT TUESDAY’S HOUSE. BECAUSE TIVO DIDN’T RECORD FRINGE BECAUSE IT THOUGHT IT WAS A RERUN. or maybe it was a rerun I DON’T KNOW IT DIDN’T RECORD IT but anyways i missed the very last bit of ‘house’ which means

— fair spoiler warning —

I SAW x KISS y AND THEN IT STOPPED AND FOX.COM DOESN’T PUT UP THE FULL EPISODES UNTIL 8 DAYS AFTER THEY AIR AND THAT MEANS NEXT WEDNESDAY AND OMG raaaaaaaaaa jkl;dfsjkdfsjkdal;dfsa;sda;lkdjsafdklfsjdfs;fdjsakdf;dafskjldsdfskl;dfsjkldfsjkl;dajkladfdfskjldfs;dsfjkdflsjkdfasjkldfajkldjkaldfjkldfsjk!!!!!!!!!

*pant* *pant* *pant*

thank goodness for bittorrent. with luck, i should be able to watch the ep in under 90 minutes. OMG WTF AUUGHGHGHGHHH. DON’T DO THIS TO ME, TIVO!!!!


  • Hooray! I passed my French exam! Je suis très heureuse! À niveau six pour moi! #
  • mmmmmmmmmmmmcofffffffeeeeeeeeeeeee. #
  • @mizmoose Soo displeased by this news :( <3 his crazy-ass Doctor! #
  • Think my next pair of chucks should be red. Hi-tops probably, though lo-tops are, as always, appealing for their simplicity. #
  • Loaned my car out for the wknd to a friend, and some truck threw a rock at my windshield. Stupid truck. I do not approve. #
  • Hey, I passed 100,000 plays on Go me! #

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  • Can now say have done a jump. OK, it was a hop. But still, a JUMP. While wearing knives strapped to my feet and on a sheet of ice. SKILLZ. #
  • Am so in <3 with ice skating. SO MUCH AWESOME. #
  • Full of ache this morning due to skating related exertion last night. Fortunately it’s all good ache, no pain. Wanna do that again! #
  • Mmmm, falafel. #
  • Dear Linux Forum User: If you don’t know what they mean by “<arch>,” perhaps you should get a friend to build your kernel modules for you. #
  • Dying laughing as I discover the source for a sample used on Dean Grey’s American Edit is the Pimsleur French I I just got. #
  • For homework in French class, I just wrote what is probably the world’s worst CV, because I have no French sysadmin vocabulary. Woe! #

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  • @robotviki This whole snow thing is bullshit. I demand autumn back. #
  • @chowbok yeah! Sorry. I was going to hit you on IM today but lost track in all the breakage at work. Tomorrow? #
  • Find self mesmerized by offer for cheap ord/lhr tix for next weekend. OMG WANNA GO. #
  • This feature-absence is deeply, deeply lame: #
  • SCORE! Got my ticket request in for Obama Electionpalooza ’08! Anyone wanna be my plus-one? #

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