the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Ugh. Out of desperation, just pulled hair back with a literal rubber band, which I hate using. No ponytail holders around. Need haircut! #

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hey, citibank!

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Hiking my purchase APR by 6 percentage points out of the blue for no apparent reason, since I’m not even carrying a purchase balance that I could accidentally pay late on (and have not paid this card late in years and years), is not, actually, the best way to encourage me to use the card and hopefully carry a balance so I’ll have to pay you some interest fees so your stupid, broken little bank becomes solvent again.

FYI, HTH, HAND. Jerks.

  • yay! snow! #
  • @secabeen Ditto on both those remarks. #
  • Why does the DJIA fall 679 pts /after/ payday 401(k) contributions?? NO FAIR #
  • @chowbok That is totally excellent advice I will keep in mind the next time I drive with, well, practically anyone really. #
  • Today: (that gif of the guy smashing his head into his keyboard until he’s a bloody gory mess). Happy Monday! #

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  • Note to self: if thinking ‘maybe the ryan won’t be too bad,’ stop immediately. Sigh. #
  • @suchagirl If you haven’t read his book Liars Poker, pick it up. A good read, & it really helps give backstory for the meltdown concepts. #
  • Hah. Just learned am apparently the #1 listener to Cracker on Funny thing is, never really listened to Camper Van at all! #
  • Just programmed the TiVo for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Am really looking forward to watching grainy 1964 claymation… in HD. #
  • Feel somewhat let down by the sparsity of the snow today. Rain is boring. I wanted fluffy fat piles of snow covering everything! #

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  • Ahahahahaa. #
  • @mizmoose Well, as I was late to hear about the phenom in the first place, it seems appropriate that I was late to hear of its pinnacle. #
  • Obama: Vote No on yappy dogs! #
  • Hahaha. Fastweb still had my profile from when I used to work there ~7 years ago. I have 15 potentially matching scholarships! Woot! #
  • Just bought carbon offsets for my 2008 mileage. I feel like I should be eating granola RIGHT NOW, while wearing disgusting patchouli. #

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