the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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People ask me what I do in the winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.
—Rogers Hornsby

i am still convinced that kenny williams is going to wait until i am out of town and distracted, and then dump half the roster and, like, hire kansas city’s entire bullpen (again) now that he’s gotten rid of boone logan and needs to backfill more talent-free relievers.


  • 82 hours until I am on vacation! Even less if you start counting from when I leave work on Friday… WANNA BE ON VAYCAYSHON NOW PLSTHXUBYE #
  • Difference when you’re trying to be budget conscious: suddenly, returning ill-fitting sweaters seems a lot more worth bothering with. #
  • Sad: Finding a 2TB logfile on disk. Fun: rm oh_my_god_youre_huge.CSV! #
  • wrangling syslog-ng for ages over a tiny change is a really good way to have the will to live sucked right out of you. #
  • @writchrd Yaaaaay! #

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  • I’ll be glad to get my balcony access back in spring, but I think I will miss the unobstructed view from my desk and table. #
  • I really, really, really hate it when I check the weather and the current conditions box includes the phrase “ice pellets.” Really. #
  • IMPORTANT UPDATE: 105 hours until I am on vacation. #
  • Random trader, re: my coffee cup: “That’s a lot of coffee! You must have a high tolerance!” Sweetie, you don’t know the half of it. #
  • Watching the Mr. Burris Goes To Washington show on the teevee. God, this is all so humiliating. Shut up, you narcissistic morons. #
  • @chowbok pxe! pxe! pxe! #
  • @smokes70 For real? Is it made of gold and diamonds and ship with my own personal scantily clad Apple Genius (who makes great martinis)? #

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  • Scarf I hope to finish before I leave is now about 150cm, of what I expect will eventually be 220ish. Fingers crossed for free time! #
  • Out of bed at 4:30, gave up trying to sleep — too fixated on vacation to be able to sleep. This may become a problem if it continues. #
  • 132 hours until I’m getting on a jet plane! WHICH I HOPE IS ALL PURPLEY ON THE INSIDE, Richard Branson! #
  • “They can’t deny what the Lord has ordained,” says Nutjob McCrazypants (D-Crazytonia) re his status as jr senator from IL. Thanks, God! #
  • Got my ticket for my tour of BBC Television Centre! If I can’t see SNP, at least I can go trip over some camera cables elsewhere. #
  • @smokes70 Dude, I didn’t even have to actually get to work before I started wishing that. #
  • Sadly, it seems it only takes about 4 hours at work to drain me of all my vacation-related glee. That, or the 4 hours of sleep I got. #

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  • @sanityknit Heh. Exactly why I’m heading to the bookstore to scope out titles now, with time to ship it before classes start! #
  • @mizmoose SO MUCH TRUE. (and also funny.) #

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