the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Fire alarm testing is a very ignominious way to wake up. #
  • Mission pen: accomplished! Next, mission tea. Odds look good. #
  • @christensen Oh, it’s way nicer. The hvac works! #
  • @chowbok I was going to ask how that was all going! So poor Jinx doesn’t like Tiger? Is it at least a quiet detente? #
  • @chowbok Nah, I figured you meant driving to the airport :) #
  • 14 degrees and blizzard watch! Ha ha, sucks to be you guys! #
  • @writchrd That is then! This is now, about 50*F and partially sunny! (Well, it was until it got to dusk anyway.) #
  • @chowbok Fear inspires great acts of athleticism in him. :-) Maybe Jinx and Tiger will start mellowing (just in time for me to return…) #
  • @writchrd I KNEW IT. #
  • Going out on a pub crawl with the students from my hostel– we shall find out if i am indeed too old for this shit. #
  • Jesus, fly to a whole nother continent and you still can’t get away from DBs with asinine popped collars. Aren’t ppl supposed to be fash … #
  • Also, and this is without prejudice, this club is full of white people. Can we import some folks from home, shake it up a bit? #
  • Thus endeth that experiment. Banal music ( ‘Bad Boys,’ really?), watery drinks that aren’t what i ordered, i’ll have better luck on my own. #

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  • On the tube, haven’t slept in 24 hours. I wish i had the sleep-on-trains gene. #
  • And by ‘trains,’ i obviously meant ‘planes,’ natch. #

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  • 24 hours and one minute! #
  • Sleep at midnight, woke at 4AM, couldn’t get back to sleep. At least that means I should be able to conk out on the plane, I guess… #
  • @mizmoose 4 feet in one day?!?! that is so not cool. #
  • Fretting. Lost scrap of paper with address of friend-catsitter on it, now stuck home until I get it. Wanted to drop cats by noon! #
  • @mizmoose Amen. I think the UP needs some precipitation up there, how ’bout you? #
  • OhMyGodYouGuysDoNotGoOutThere TheStupidIsAsThickOnTheGroundAsTheSnow *twitch* *twitch* *twitch* #
  • Virgin Atlantic’s web site informs me that my British name (so I will fit in) is: Baron Stan Dunboyne-Doobadly. Kinda catchy, yeah? #
  • @sanityknit I had to go driving up to the north side, with newly fallen many-inches of snow on the ground. It was traumatic. #
  • I am outta here! See y’all when I’m either on the other side of the Atlantic, or home, bitterly dispirited, after my flight was cancelled. #
  • At gate! Half hour til boarding; allegedly on time. Cautiously optimistic. #

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  • Dudes, Gustavo Dudamel is a madman. But a madman who’s pretty good at his job, I have to say. (And v. entertaining to watch!) #
  • Staring outside at the near-whiteout conditions again. Is the power of positive thought enough to make my flight leave on time? #
  • 62/195. I feel like a moron. I forgot many former Soviet states, which is like half the map. #
  • @jacklund Ask Bill Joy. #
  • 11 days: #
  • Seriously, I will forgive Rod Blagojevich for everything if he gets up to that podium and says “I am not a crook.” #
  • @blagobusted I dare you to start singing Kum Ba Yah. #
  • Blago speech in summary: The House is so mean! I only want to give you healthcare! Me saving your lives is not an impeachable offense! #
  • I now resume my previously scheduled whining about the probability of snow screwing up my travel plans tomorrow. 28 hours to disappointment! #
  • @shadow Why does Mother Nature hate us? We have done nothing to her! I even bought carbon offsets for my flights! #
  • @shadow What sort of a book? Might it be trainish? I’ll buy a copy! #
  • @shadow Write it! (Well, write an outline and get someone to buy it, then write it.) #

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  • Niqui want! Too bad I’m so damn slow at spinning, lately. A year’s sub would be 10 years worth. #
  • @jacklund Sorry to hear that, since it means your head will probably explode due to massive frustration soon. Been nice knowing you! #
  • @robotviki Although it’s nice to see they have the same pedestrian sort of coffee we have around here. Homogeneity, unite! #
  • 12 days left! #
  • hmm. Need to think up someone to talk about for #
  • @mizmoose Is that a euphemism? #
  • For my birthday, I RECEIVED A UNICORN MADE OF PEWTER!!! #
  • 52 (and a half) hours! #
  • @smokes70 Nah. :) #
  • *cries* “The NWS in Chicago has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for 4 to 8 inches of snowfall…in effect from 3A Fri to 6A CST Sat.” #
  • @writchrd Well, the comic is for real. It does not, however, apply to my actual gift receipt record. Just as well, not sure what I’d do w/1. #
  • After NWS destroyed all my hope for Saturday, now amending countdown: 51 hours until I’m frustrated that we’re not boarding yet. #
  • @robotviki Thank you! :) #
  • @smokes70 OMG, that was cute. #

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