how pleased am i to get a comment, after emailing someone for new hair stylist advice — someone that i personally think is always very cute and trendily well-groomed, not to mention self-possessed and confident — that “You have more style than I do”?

very, very pleased indeed. i don’t agree (faded t-shirts and jeans are comfy and well-suited for crawling around datacenters, but they do not get featured in vogue very often), but i am delighted nonetheless. we love patty, we love patty, we love patty!

which segues gleefully but neatly into today’s dilemma, which is: if i am going to spend some money, do i go to a good salon — because i want something new and interesting done with my hair, and maybe a facial or something; i’m feeling frisky — or do i go out and go clothes shopping?

i was leaning towards shopping for a while, because clothes shopping is fun and i particularly enjoy my walking shopping trips up from my place to water tower and back, but otoh, badly in need of different-slash-better hair. and the hair situation (blonde grown out by about four inches because i promised mesaret i’d stop fucking with it; blue and red fading; length that uncomfortable stage between ‘needs a haircut’ and ‘is obviously growing it out because otherwise there’s just no other excuse'; condition okay but could use some assistance) has been bugging me for several weeks now. and also, if i’m successful at losing any weight, it seems stupid to buy stuff i’ll just end up donating to the brown elephant in six months.