so i subscribe to a little plan on whereby, for $20 a month, i get one audiobook and one subscription audio program. it’s pretty cool. (shameless plea: if you sign up for audible, and you say user ‘sldownard’ referred you, i get tschotschkes. well, i get like $10 off or something, and if five people are referred i get a gift certificate to amazon. so. you know. if you were going to sign up anyways, you could just *say* i sent you… and if you weren’t going to sign up, you totally should, because audiobooks are fucking expensive but $20/mo is completely affordable, and audiobooks rock. but i digress.)

anyways, this month i selected as my subcription program “In Bed with Susie Bright.” this was described as quasi-talk, quasi-advice column program. susie bright is, among other things, the author of How to Write a Dirty Story, and kinda wacky, kinda interesting, etc.

and as of this morning, i have decided that the best way to come to work in a jolly mood is to spend your entire morning commute listening to someone talk about pr0n, while you just smirk at everyone on the bus who is stuck reading crappy academic foo or staring out the windows. hah! i heard funny tales about the guy behind the playgirl cable channel, and how survey respondants’ comments about what women want in porn (“i want a healthy relationship between a loving husband and wife!” “i want to see a smart plot!”) is actually not borne out by the evidence of what they enjoy watching, according to focus groups (including tales of those groups’ bitching about the female porn stars’ footwear, and not actually caring at all about the lack of plot). i had to sit there most of my commute trying to refrain from laughing out loud. they all sat around looking like death warmed over. it was awesome.

porn: does a commute good!