i swear to you, the keyes people are chanting ‘no more nice guy! keyes! keyes!’

i’m sorry; i’ve clearly stepped into an alternate universe. keyes, alan keyes, is ‘nice’ in your world?

i suppose, upon reflection, that the intimation there was actually that alan keyes is the non-nice man versus obama, who’s clearly just too nice. we can’t have nice people in politics. no, no. nice is bad! look where nice gets us!

ah well. let the silly keeys people have their chants. they know what their standings are.

meanwhile, i shall enjoy being the only person sitting out on the patio here at govnor’s — not wearing my coat, natch, because it’s like 55°F out here and it’s not a bad night at all — until i finish this beer and toddle off to tonight’s social engagement.