“we’ll tell you anything you want to hear — and if you don’t believe us, terrorists will kill your family.”

seriously, it’s worth the long-distance call. quite NSFW, which didn’t stop me and michael from putting it on speakerphone and laughing uproariously. (hey, we shut the office door.)

and as an aside: is this particular election season more sexual, or is it just me? i mean, lie girls, votorgasm, fuck the vote, et cetera. poor now and emily’s list are looking pretty prudish ’round ’bout now. — or is it just that i, personally, am taking more note this time around?

i mean, before, we had to rely on the politians to have sex so we could throw big scandal-shaped parties, but now we’ve evidently progressed in self-sufficiency such that we can now intermingle sex and politics ourselves quite effectively, thank you very much. uh, go us!