goodness gracious me, this adam yoshida fellow has a lot of anger he’s not repressing:

If anyone needs to work to bring the country together it’s those on the left who have divided it so badly. Those who sought to destroy this great man should get down upon their knees and beg the victors for mercy. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll let a few of them linger on for the simple reason that they amuse us. My life’s goal is to see the Democratic Party virtually obliterated and left as a rump of people like Stephanie Herseth who both mostly agree with us anyways and are easy on the eyes.

That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women.

Let’s face a hard truth: this was the bitterest Presidential campaign in living memory. The Democrats and their allies staked everything on the defeat of this President. All of the resources they had accumulated over a generation of struggle were thrown into this battle: and they have failed. Despite all of their tricks, despite all of their lies, the people have rejected them. They mean nothing. They are worth nothing. There’s no point in trying to reach out to them because they won’t be reached out to. We’ve got their teeth clutching the sidewalk and out [sic] boot above their head. Now’s the time to curb-stomp the bastards.

i especially admire the tasteful parting shot:

But, whatever, we won: to hell with the rest of them. Those who didn’t support Bush can go and perform a certain anatomically impossible act. They lost, now they can sit in the back of the bus.

this is the time where i get lots of good yoga breathing practice in and reminding myself to be positive, positive, positive. perhaps this fellow and his admirers can’t be swayed towards my position — such a supposition certainly seems likely, just after reading that one entry (and i won’t read any more; i think he must fall into the “commentator who doesn’t encourage open exchange of ideas” category) — but i feel confident that, say, that most of the conservative relatives i have would be as repulsed by his rhetoric as i.

i just hope that the left will fight off the urge to participate in self-indulgent vitriol like this in time to come together and find winning candidates and platforms to move forward with in ’06 and ’08. “fuck bush” only gets you so far.