John Cusack + Vinyl = Heaven
Good. You know your music. You should be able to work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and Barry.

Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
brought to you by Quizilla

i felt much better (read: “much more superior”) about this quiz before i got curious about what the other possible results were, and started going back and deliberately fucking up in various ways (know the old stuff, don’t know anything past 1980; know only new music; know only one genre; whatever) and kept on getting the championship vinyl result.

PIGFUCKERS! i aced your quiz, and i demand to be distinguished from the people who don’t know that nevermind wasn’t nirvana’s first album, or which goddamn bob dylan tune jimi hendrix covered. for pete’s sake! i claimed oliver stone made a groundbreaking film about the famous ’60s band oasis, the pixies were the first punks, aerosmith covered their own song “walk this way” with eminem, and that coldplay launched the so-called new rock revolution! for the love of god, people! i had to go back and mess up every single answer (the beatles’ double album was, for the record, definitely maybe, and that eponymous dylan tune that hendrix covered was “my generation,” among others) before i got a new response, which admonished me to stick to the billboard charts and MTV.

i’m going to make my own damn quiz one of these days. and it won’t suck. sulk.