at this point i will assume that everyone knows the backstory of the second-year dental student at marquette, in milwaukee, who was recently gifted with a delightfully-long vacation from his studies and relieved of the taxing burden of his scholarship funding, as a result of his remarking on his blog upon the wonder and joy of studying under an unnamed professor and his peers’ intellectual maturity.

i have to say that i really do enjoy situations like this, when me and my right-of-center colleagues can get together and bask in solidarity, in the holiday spirit of “what the fuck is the matter with those people?!” seriously, when something like this comes up where people on both sides of the (so often bitterly divided, lined with broken glass and people bearing sharply-pointed bayonets) aisle can figuratively break bread in companionship, you just gotta enjoy the chance to have everyone around you agree that yes, in fact, those people really do ride the short bus to school.

(this is not to be construed as glee at the student’s situation, or really as anything other than hyperbole. actually, i find marquette’s actions as reported to be completely over-the-top. c’mon, you’re a school; you know students! they drink, they talk shit about their professors, they talk shit about their fellow students! some of ’em do it in student newspapers; some of ’em do it on blogs. BHFD. the student should never have been investigated, much less suspended. if you can’t cope with having a faculty member called names by an undergraduate, i suggest you find a new line of work.)