discovered today, after publishing a blog entry with a really long title, that the folks who host my comments index said comments under the filenames, limited to the first fifty chars of said name. this resulted in someone successfully commenting but then having the “Comments” link go to a page that did not actually show that comment. so, not so commentastic, there.

a quick substr() later and i’m back in bidness. of course, in the course of retrofitting that substr() into my blosxom i managed to break the ‘seemore’ plugin for a couple of minutes. hope i didn’t accidentally traumatise anyone with my clever commentary about BBM or my work desk picture during those couple of minutes.

oh, and — oh the irony — the other day, when i was trying to stuff the comments link into the RSS feed? works great! …except for on the livejournal feed. doesn’t show up there. which is a pity, because the livejournal feed is the entire reason i wanted the stupid link there at all — it bugs me that comments made on the livejournal feed disappear, so it would make me happier if they would be attached to the blog and not lj’s interpretation thereof. i’m not really sure why the link is not appearing. i mean, it’s right there in the rss feed, right there in the description field — not separated by a newline (that was what got me the first time, when it wasn’t working at all). alas, i am thwarted. ’twas ever thus.

oh… oh, wait, i bet i just figured it out. i bet it wants all <‘s and >’s instead of s; my dumb ass forgot i needed to convert the ugly characters. y’all are going to kill me if i update the feed template and it forces all my entries to be marked “new” on your friends pages again, aren’t you? FTR, none of this try-and-try-again stuff would have been necessary if anyone would write up some actually simple and clear documentation for RSS syntax and requirements. instead i get crap like what / does. because i couldn’t have figured that much out for myself. sheesh.

well, i’ll hold off a day or something until i get bored. do it on a day no one will be reading their flist anyways. see, i’m not really doing this to make the feed suck!

p.s. fuzzy warm cozy sweaters on cold and depressingly rainy days RULE.