so i was looking at my webalizer stats tonight, and it turns out that — inexplicably, and certainly unexpectedly — my blog is apparently more popular than the soap site.

the soap site has had six years, publication in a major magazine, and rather a lot of other publicity, and thus its popularity is explainable.

as opposed to this, my blog is pretty much just a livejournal that a couple of people randomly stumbled on.

this makes you all weird, you realize. i mean, shit, i can’t even decide whether to consistently use american or english spelling of common words. and — a huge black mark against me for the popular kids — i like pop music. i mean, i actually own Pink CDs. plural. do you know how deep of shit i’m in with my cool friends for admitting that?

boggle. i suppose i’ll wait for the month to end and then look at my web stats before i decide that the internet is truly insane. yes, true, one of my chief complaints with livejournal was that i didn’t have any stats and so my only gauge of the popularity of my blog was the number of people who friended me or who commented, but gosh, i’m not sure i’m ready to be confronted with the reality of having a readership.

shit, i’m not actually sure i’m really ready to be confronted with the realty of having a reader.

although, i wouldn’t mind going to my ten-year high school reunion being someone popular for her writing or something else other than my high school attributes1, so, please, feel free to continue reading. although it boggles my brain.

1 — i am, to date, the only person i know who will admit to having enjoyed high school. i did. i liked my classes, i had a good number of friends, i had fun extracurriculars, and with the sole exception of Senior Year Fuck You Coach Beiersdorf, i really liked the faculty. although it evidently makes me a freak, i’m not ashamed to admit that i was extremely sad to graduate, and leave high school behind.