the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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Astronaut & Robot

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so, i think i’ve found a piece of art i want for my house. it’s not the same sort of deep-seated wanting that i have for Daedulus, but i like it an awful lot. Astronaut & Robot by Scott Listfield of i wrote off to the artist and found out that the availability of […]

* niqui is *so* *glad* she has this copy of Cosmopolitan to impart groundbreaking fashion advice to her: “Excess caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol disturb your sleep and contribute to a sallow, washed-out appearance!” HOORAY!!! * twork channels mick jagger: well tha’s the ‘ole point, i’nnit? also, according to cosmo, boxers are for high school students […]