the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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I kinda wish I had another cupcake now. Should've gotten 2 and saved one for the evening! # Why do I only get the hiccups *after* leaving the bar where they have lime slices and bitters (the hiccup cure!)? Boooo! # And for those of you wondering if I heard about Peavy: I did, and […]

EZ 100th Anniversary Pi Shawl, cobweb weight, on DPNs. I kind of feel like I deserve an award for wrestling an octopus. # My "Clean Linen" scented air freshener is "infused with essential oils." Essential oil of what, exactly? Linum usitatissimum x dryer sheets? # Amtrak, I love you, but why is your website so […]

This LSD pavement thing does not live up to its initial advertising. Whither my giant car-eating 4-lanes-wide hole?! # Interweb fail: why can I not find a *picture* of this alleged giant hole in LSD? Do I have to go walk over there and take one myself? # Of course it now occurs to […]

This LSD pavement thing does not live up to its initial advertising. Whither my giant car-eating 4-lanes-wide hole?! # Interweb fail: why can I not find a *picture* of this alleged giant hole in LSD? Do I have to go walk over there and take one myself? # Of course it now occurs to […]

Drawback to singing & dancing around the kitchen to Lily Allen while cooking: slightly burnt grilled cheese sammidge. Oops. # Powered by Twitter Tools